Giving Money Identity and Purpose


Smart Money & Accounts

TRAX provides traceability and control of funds flowing through the Banking system

Application Scenarios

TRAX caters to a broad range of lending / endowment scenarios – such as Corporate Loans, CSR Contributions, VC/PE Funding, Govt allocations and subsidies, Local Body (municipal) spending, Funding by International Agencies and many others.

Tokenized Deposits

TRAX leverages Open Banking and Distributed Ledger Technology to render fiat money smart and programmable, allowing it to be tracked and controlled.

Pathway to Next-Gen Services

The TRAX technology stack serves as a hook in to neo-banking technologies, opening the door for Banks, Financial Institutions and Regulators to propose and offer complementary features and services .

Seamless Customer Experience

TRAX is meant to integrate into Core Banking systems to provide the user a seamless experience.